
Giveaway: Tear clear

Urtė Karalaitė is a textile jewelry designer inspired by theatre costumes that are made to look great from a distance. That creates a sort of illusion where sparkly paper turns into jewels and torn fabrics into finest silk. Wonder what Urte's creations are made of? It's 1/6 bed sheet, 1/10 curtain. It's light, it's elegant, it's unique, it's... waiting for you! A neckpiece "Tear clear" that was featured in Llamas' valley Christmas issue, could be yours, just follow these steps:

1. Post a nice comment about Urte's creations here.

2. Become a friend of Llamas' valley on Facebook.
3. Close your eyes and make a wish...

The winner will be announced here very soon!

Photo via Urte Karalaite

The gorgeous neckpiece "Tear clear"

Photo: Mariann Fercsik
Girl: Kettivy
Neckpieces / styling: Urtė Karalaitė
Assistant: Rima Kaušaitė
Materials: up-cycled textile, chain

Photo: Audrius Kriaučiūnas
Mermaid: Indrė Urbonaitė
Neckpieces / styling / make up: Urtė Karalaitė
Materials: up-cycled textile, chain

Photo: Michal Magors, Urtė Karalaitė
Girl / neckpiece / styling: Urtė Karalaitė
Materials: up-cycled textile, vintage items


  1. Just wonderful!!!! i am in!!!! xxx

  2. ne tik papuošalai, bet ir fotosesijos puikios :)

  3. Dreamers' jewelry ;)) nice!

  4. Dovile7.3.12

    Wow.. Urte's creations doesnt need words.. they are perfect for the silence.. it is said, when to people feel comfortable in the silence, they are made for each other. The same i can say for Urte's creations.

    Actually it is enough for me to look at them, somehow i feel warm and better inside.

    I might even believe, that Urte's creations can bring joy, love and piece to the world ;) They are magic, for sure!

  5. Anonymous7.3.12

    so light, so light - a little cloud...

  6. Wow.. Urte's creations doesnt need words.. they are perfect for the silence.. it is said, when to people feel comfortable in the silence, they are made for each other. The same i can say for Urte's creations.

    Actually it is enough for me to look at them, somehow i feel warm and better inside.

    I might even believe, that Urte's creations can bring joy, love and piece to the world ;) They are magic, for sure!

  7. Nice fluffy things. Somewhere... upper :}

  8. amazing. like snowflakes. i'm afraid to touch it so it disapears

  9. Urte's creations are so simple, yet very nice, exclusive and original :) I would love to have one of them <3

  10. Miglė7.3.12

    perfect simplicity

  11. ieva7.3.12

    light as a breath of early summer mornings.
    with eyes closed i follow this feeling.

  12. Jėgelė, šiuos buvau nusižiūrėjusi aname numeryje! Todėl siunčiu pačius didžiausius komplimentus už šviesą, už minimalizmą, už idėjų bangavimą kaip jūrų ar vėjų, už originalumą ir tikiuosi geriausio.:}

  13. Urtes jewelry makes you feel beautiful, like a princess.

    And her pieces are very photogenic!

  14. pavasariška, moteriška, svajinga - Urte, sveikinu!

  15. viktorija7.3.12

    labai pieniška ir švelnu.... šaunuolė!

  16. Giedre Ma7.3.12

    Moteriska ir gyva. Labai grazu. Noriu taip pasipuost.

  17. Milky, airy and dreamy. I've dreamed about Urte's accessories a lot and now I feel this dream may come true.

  18. What gorgeous creations! Romantic & airy, so beautiful...I made my wish ;)

  19. Viktorija Linikaite-Mullett7.3.12

    Sviesu, lengva, miela! Aciu uz originaluma, Urte!

  20. Vaida7.3.12

    Pūkas lyg...

  21. Monika Aržanauskaitė7.3.12

    They are like movies, all with different stories and backgrounds.. captivating

  22. Nebandysiu laimėti papuošalo, bet noriu padėkoti už gražius žodžius ir net eiles :) Laukiam laukiam laimėtojos/o..

  23. Zydre N7.3.12

    Absolutely dreamy!!! Romantic! Devine! Heavenly!:)

  24. puikūs, originalūs papuošalai ir jų pateikimas. valio Urtei!

  25. Surinkus pievų šnabždesius į saują,
    Tyliai užsimerksiu paryčiais,
    Ir baltais pūkais į žemę
    Mano svajos nusileis...
    Aš pakilsiu šviest su saule,
    Būt vaivorykšte lietuj,
    Kad pasauliui dovanočiau grožį,
    Kad gerumą žadinčiau žmoguj.

    jau seniai ieškojau įkvėpimo eilėms. ačiū už romantiškai lengvą nuotaiką, už kūrybinių energijų dovanas ir už grožį, kuris spinduliuoja meile ir harmonija. tobulai tinka žodelis PURE :]

  26. ...so we played a game T'MAN (Tell Me A Number) and the lucky number is 2! That means the winner of "Tear clear" is Diana Strinati Baur. Congratulations to Diana and a big hug to all of you :)

  27. eilėraštis nuostabus. irgi PURE :)ir tikrai dovanoja .. šypseną, lengvumą, vėją, meilę... ačiū labai.
    kur galima daugiau paskaityt? a?

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